This is the bucket list of races that I've built up so far.
- Bay to Breakers-Running with not just California crazies but the creme of the crop from SF.
- Mt Hood to Coast-a downhill course. Party on the coast, totally the way to go.
- Reno Tahoe Relay-Amazing views. Couple it with a vacation.
- New York Marathon - Marathon Major
- Big Sur Marathon-The race is supposed to be hilly but the views are supposed to be amazing.
- Escape from Alcatraz-this is a tri that's pretty unique. You start off in the Bay and do a swim-run bike run
- London Marathon Marathon Major
- Tokyo Marathon- Marathon Major. Couple it with a vacation.
- Bolder Boulder-Heard great things from a friend that worked at the race
- Pune Marathon-Just to say I ran a marathon in India. Would be afraid of being run over or drinking in water, or stepping in cow shit.
- Athens Marathon-The Original. Enuf said.
- Steamboat Classic 15k-Hilly and typically humid race in Peoria, IL.