As I posted a few months ago I listen to a bunch of podcasts. Here are the security/privacy podcasts I listen to:
- Sans Internet Storm Daily Networking- It's a short daily update of security issues. It's more focused on vulnerabilities and major hacks.
- Twiet-this week in enterprise tech. I find it more focused from a topic perspective. It does go into other topics being an enterprise tech podcast however it's very clear and concise in describing issues and trends. The presenters are people in industry, SEs, or tech journalists so they share interesting perspectives.
- Enterprise Security Weekly-I started listening to this recently and I've found it to be pretty good and informative.
- Intercept-This covers privacy topics and was co-founded by Glenn Greenwald, who is best known as the journalist that Edward Snowden contacted.
- Cigital Silver Bullet-Haven't listened to this in a while.
- Down the Security Rabbit Hole-Haven't listened to this in a while.
- CERT's Podcast Series: Series for Business Leaders- Haven't listened to this in a while.
- Decrypted
- Secureabit
- Security Now - I find this one to be too long and veers off topic.