Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How would I describe myself

I saw this posted on twitter (Nerds, Dorks, Geeks, and cool dudes.) While I found the article interesting it doesn't have enough classification to people that are experts or obsessed with a given field, have the brains, and the social skills so they don't fall flat on their face interacting with people on a given basis.

As I was reading the article, I was trying to figure out where I applied in the whole mess. The best way I'd describe myself is someone that is :
  1. Into sports-granted I don't compete or watch the usual sports regularly. I like running and playing Ultimate Frisbee. I'm not even that fast of a runner, but I am getting faster.
  2. I think I'm smart and I'm told I'm pretty smart, but I'm never quite sure (see Imposter Syndrome). I love reading and learning about random topics. I also like sharing whatever I learn (maven)
  3. I'm pretty fashionable for a guy. I consider myself a metrosexual, but I'm not effeminately fashionable.

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