Monday, August 8, 2011

My information diet-133 RSS feeds!

I am trying to cut back on my information diet by paring down all the blogs that are in my Google Reader account. I have 133 RSS feeds which also includes all the pod casts I subscribe to using Google Listen! Talk about information overload.

I think it will be pretty easy to cut down that number significantly. Goal by End of August 100 RSS feeds including Google Listen. Let's see if I can pull this off. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Short Commentary on Netflix's New Pricing Plan

I subscribed to Netflix because I like movies but I don't want to build up a huge library of movies at home. It takes up money and space. That's really what makes it appealing.

I know I'm late to the discussion on the whole new pricing plan for Netflix. Honestly, I don't mind that they're doing making the 'Instant only' one dollar cheaper and making the DVD/Blu-ray more expensive as long as they improve their library. There are shows/movies that are only available on DVD/Blu-ray, so if they can make it so I can watch as many movies as I want with a larger choice. I really don't care. That said, come September I will be dropping my 'in-home' rentals because it doesn't make sense for me.