Saturday, September 17, 2011

Update: Information diet

I'm now down to 95 RSS feeds from 133 feeds from about a month ago. The fact of the matter is that I probably can drop  that even further. Because it's pretty hard to keep up with blogs like Techcrunch or PSFK which have more than 20 posts per day. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

a week with Spotify

After bunch of comparisons I decided to get a Spotify Premium membership about a week ago. So far I like it. I guess this means I can finally delete all the questionable music I've acquired. The library is pretty good though they don't have a lot of Red Hot Chili Peppers or other major bands but I like how it integrates with Facebook and my Android phone for offline listening of playlists. Also the music has a 320 kbps so it's really high quality.

There are a lot of tiny things that I've noticed. In Win7, you can see how far into a track you are by looking at the icon in the taskbar.
I also have it scrobbling to No sense getting rid of 5 years of listening data. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Quote On social Media

Found this apropos quote
Today, however, thanks to the social networks' digital exploitation of loneliness, horniness, and ambition, it is now widely believed that it is possible for one's résumé or curriculum vitae to become friends with other person's résumé or curriculum vitae. A friend is a person, not a set of data.
Glenn O'Brien in GQ April 2011.  "The Style Guy's Guide"