Monday, June 3, 2013

To do list tools...replacing Astrid

Since Astrid was bought out by Yahoo, I like many others have been looking around for alternatives.
Using Lifehacker and several other similar blogs and turning to colleagues I've found about 3 that try to fill it where Astrid left off.

  • Chrome extension is just a launcher for website
  • subtasks, but for most things it's overkill. 
  • skeuomorphism - looks like a page.
  • Allows for direct import from Astrid. Making the switch super easy. 
  • Since there's a web client, sharing and printing is pretty easy.
  • Sharing-Integrates with Facebook for task sharing. 

Any do

  • Clean UI
  • voice transcriptions
  • no html5 client..yet. There's a huge line for it. 
  • pulls in actions based on missed calls etc
  • Views: Doesn't allow for showing only open tasks on Android App
  • No ability to PDF lists
  • Chrome app integrates nicely with Gmail without getting in the way 
  • Daily task review built in, to help make sure the to do list is clean


  • More unstructured than the others. 
  • Great for notetaking
  • Can use for creating tickler
  • Not sure if there's a mobile app for it for iOS or Android but I would assume so. 

I've spent far more time in Any do. than any of the other two.

Any do, though I wish it had PDF. I'm really looking forward to the HTML5 client.